ALEXA FLUOR 680 Mouse anti-Human BCHE(1E8) Monoclonal Antibody, ALEXA FLUOR 680 Conjugated [IgG]

Výrobce: Bioss Katalogové č.: bsm-2011M-A680 Aplikace: Imunofluorescence Reaktivita: Human Původ: Mouse Klonalita: Monoclonal Konjugát: Alexa Fluor® 680 Laser: 633 nm (červený) Podtřída: IgG Status: RUO Dodatečné informace: Produkt na webu výrobce Popis:

Cholinesterase; Acylcholine acylhydrolase; Choline esterase II; CHE1; Butyrylcholine esterase; Pseudocholinesterase; butyrylcholinesterase.CHLE_HUMAN.

Mutant alleles at the BCHE locus are responsible for suxamethonium sensitivity. Homozygous persons sustain prolonged apnea after administration of the muscle relaxant suxamethonium in connection with surgical anesthesia. The activity of pseudocholinesterase in the serum is low and its substrate behavior is atypical. In the absence of the relaxant, the homozygote is at no known disadvantage. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008].

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